Jobs for People over 55 in Pennsylvania

What to Know About The SCSCEP

The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a work-based job training initiative for older Americans. The program targets low-income and unemployed seniors looking for a source of income.

SCSEP also offers employment assistance through American Job Centers. Specifically, seniors under this program get extras like job search assistance, skill evaluation, career counseling, and connections to open jobs.

The seniors under this program work in schools, hospitals, daycares, wildlife conservation agencies, senior centers, and nonprofit organizations. What’s more, while undertaking SCSEP jobs for senior citizens, participants work for 20 hours per week.

They get the highest minimum wage as compensation. While SCSEP is open to seniors aged 55 and above, priority goes to:

  • Veterans
  • Veterans’ spouses
  • Seniors aged above 65
  • Older adults with low English proficiency
  • Seniors with low literacy levels
  • Older people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness

Why So Many People over 55 Go Back to Work

Many older adults seeking jobs for senior citizens have one principal aim— to secure supplemental income for financial stability. Perhaps these senior citizens have insufficient retirement savings or want a more comfortable life in old age. Besides financial stability, older adults seek jobs for elderly for the following reasons:

They Want to Stay Active

Many adults who choose to return to take up jobs for senior citizens value an active daily life. As such, they prefer to keep working, as it involves physical movement and tasks that engage one’s cognitive abilities.

The Seniors Value Social Interaction

As individuals age, they experience changes in their social circles, such as loss of friends and the inability to participate in social activities. Since loneliness can compromise one’s quality of life, some individuals take jobs for senior citizens so they can maintain a solid social circle.

Work gives a platform to engage with coworkers and clients, something that can expand their support network. Furthermore, working makes senior citizens develop a sense of belonging.

The Seniors Wish to Contribute to the Society

Engaging in work beyond the age of 55 is a meaningful way to give back to the community. Jobs for senior citizens provide an avenue for one to share their knowledge and skills in worthy causes like environmental conservation and poverty alleviation.

How PA CareerLink® Delaware County Helps

PA CareerLink Delaware is a team of employment specialists, social services, and employers helping seniors take advantage of SCSEP to re-enter the job market.

We make the transition easier by offering a suite of career services, including:

  • Job training. We equip seniors with skills like communication, leadership, and teamwork so they can fit into modern workplaces. Beyond bringing them up to speed, our job training services boost one’s self-belief.
  • Career counseling. We have experienced career counselors who help seniors understand their career options alongside making a strategy to achieve career success. Our career counselors also offer extras like CV revamping, networking, and job search coaching.
  • Employment assistance. The senior citizens using our service get personalized guidance on job search strategies, interview preparation, access to job listings, networking, and connection to potential employers.

Helping The Community Stay Active

Hitting 55 does not render you unproductive. At this age, you can still secure employment to generate more income, remain physically and mentally active, meet new people, and even use your skills to improve the community.

Whatever your reason for re-entering the workforce, PA CareerLink Delaware County will make the transition smooth for you. We will evaluate your skills, offer job training, and even connect you to employers who are willing to work with seniors.

Register for our jobs for senior citizens program and lead an active life even in old age.

Do you have anymore questions regarding Jobs for People Over 55? Learn more with PA CareerLink by Contacting Us today!

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Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) (Title V of the Older Americans Act)


Maturity Works @ Chester CareerLink®

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Pennsylvania CareerLink® Delaware County

Employers recognize the benefit of hiring older workers, who are generally viewed as reliable, loyal, and ethical with well-established critical thinking, leadership, teamwork, and communication skills. The Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) is a Federal program providing subsidized community service and employment training to low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55 and older. SCSEP utilizes Labor Market Information to identify occupations most likely to hire older workers and prepares participants for those jobs. Some SCSEP employer grantees already work with PA CareerLink® Business Service Teams (BSTs) to develop employment opportunities for older workers.

Do you have anymore questions regarding Jobs for People Over 55? Learn more with PA CareerLink by Contacting Us today!