Incentives for Employers in 2023

Top 5 Incentives Employers Use to Attract Candidates

The Great Resignation sent HR departments scrambling to recruit new workers to fill critical positions. The resultant shortage created a buyer’s market that continues to give workers an upper hand in the job market. Consequently, employers resorted to sweetening job offers with employee incentives to attract top job applicants. While hiring incentives are attention-grabbing, they’re not all created equal. The modern-day employee has thrown out the playbook and flipped the conventional incentives program on its head.

Read on as PA CareerLink® Delaware County shares the best recruitment incentive ideas Delaware County employers can use to attract top candidates.

Flexible Scheduling & Remote/Hybrid Options to Improve Work-Life Balance 

The pandemic made people re-evaluate their priorities, and this introspection re-imagined the workplace. Flexible work schedules prioritizing work-life balance became a top concern and have remained so ever since.

Job seekers increasingly gravitate towards positions with a hybrid work model or provided work-from-home option. Self-directed hours grant employees greater control over their work schedules and personal lives. They treasure the flexibility that enables them to play an active role in the lives of their loved ones while taking better care of themselves.

Tailoring a work environment to provide the flexibility that employees value is highly rewarding. Delaware employers who make strides to accommodate changing priorities quickly attract top talents.

Focus On Building a Positive Employer Brand

Job seekers no longer jump at the first job offer that comes across. They’re taking the time to establish if a potential employer is a good fit or offers the right employees incentives. They check online reviews to understand what working at a company is like.

They’ll check the reviews on reliable job boards such as Indeed to get an insider view of the work experience. Former employees often leave detailed reviews about working for a company on these platforms. Establishing a solid presence on these platforms can prove a strong hiring incentive for employees.

Having current employees detail their working experiences online can help attract young talents. Naturally, the reviews can only be glowing if the employees love working there.

Providing Professional Development & Growth Opportunities

Evolving technology, dynamic markets, and workplaces have made upskilling a core job search component. The modern worker realizes that skills are rapidly expiring, and failing to upskill could render them redundant.

Job seekers prioritize companies that provide career growth opportunities and champion professional development. Top talents are motivated to push the ceiling. They will only consider roles that allow them to advance personal growth and build a rewarding career. And pass on those that don’t promise or deliver a brighter future.

Demonstrating a willingness to invest in training and upskilling employees attracts job applicants. If you need more training funds, we can help. Our services can secure up to$5,000 in training funding from Delaware County’s OJT program.

Mental Health & Wellness Support Initiatives

The pandemic drove people to prioritize mental health and wellness, and it’s become a top priority when job hunting. The high cost of health insurance drives job seekers to prefer employers who offer medical benefits and insurance.

Offering medical care and insurance coverage is a crucial differentiator when recruiting new hires. It’s a sure way to attract strong candidates and entice them to stay for the long term.

Conversely, initiating mental health and wellness programs is ideal if providing insurance coverage is prohibitively expensive. Consider offering mental health counseling, gym memberships, medical screening, yoga classes, and healthy snacks.

Employee Referral & Hiring Bonuses

Employee incentives prompt workers to do all the heavy lifting, lowering recruitment costs. They incentivize employees to tap into their network and recommend talented individuals. Although keen to reap monetary rewards, employees usually only recommend reliable and trustworthy ones.

Hiring bonuses sweeten the pot for new hires and entices them to remain for a stipulated period. Besides a one-time cash offer, bonuses may include a paid vacation, childcare assistance, gift cards, or training course reimbursement.

The government offers various incentives of up to $5,000 to Delaware employers who hire marginalized or hard-to-place job seekers. Our services can help companies take full advantage of government hiring incentives.

Contact PA CareerLink® Delaware County to Find & Keep Qualified Employees

At PA CareerLink® Delaware County, our staffing experts provide exceptional recruitment services to Delaware County employers. We’ll support your entire recruitment process to help you attract top talents and build a world-class workforce. We also provide on-the-job training while granting your access to recruitment incentives and tax credits to lower your training costs. Register today and take the first step toward a better future.

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